Telehealth Certification Institute

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Ratings, Reviews, and User Testimonials of Our CE Courses

Enjoyed the course. Good information about legalities. I plan to refer to the information that was given to me.
Garrett Johnson
I really enjoyed this training! The presenter provided relevant, relatable, and readily applicable information for my practice.
John Adams

Very thorough trainings

Quinyatta Washington, LAC
Dr. Marshall provided an EXCELLENT training geared toward behavioral health clinicians and supporting suicide loss. The overview of the currant verbiage used in addressing suicide was also important to provide, whether you already were aware, or not. Suicide will affect every clinician at some point in their career so getting the conversations among clinicians is an important place to start.
Bobbi Schutz, LCSW
Excellent, current, coherent. Dr. Marshall's presentation was informed and coherent. I will definitely use the information immediately in my practice; She presented with an open and informed perspective.
Cynthia Pratt Pena, MSW LPC
Excellent job Doreen. Wish this was longer as she had so much information to share in this short time.
Janet Schnell
Doreen's presentation on suicide loss was very informative.
Amy Somerstein
Very comprehensive and informative
Laurie Ciavardini
This webinar was very informational. I especially enjoyed learning more about play utilizing Jungian methods.
Angelika Guilbe
Course was very informative and wasn't very long. Loved it
Melinda Davis
Good course. Providing a lot of useful information.
Laurie Reisch
Very Informative!
Dana Jones