Telehealth Certification Institute

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Ratings, Reviews, and User Testimonials of Our CE Courses

This course was informative and creative, and I loved the content!
Andee Loren Haines
It was overall a good training and re-affirmed what I do in my sessions. It was good to have additional information to use.
Laurie Reinsch
Telehealth is an incredibly convenient way to receive medical care. I recently used telehealth to consult with my doctor about a minor health concern and it was such a great experience. I didn't have to leave my house or take time off work to go to the doctor's office. Instead, I was able to have a video call with my doctor from the comfort of my own home. It was so easy to use and saved me a lot of time and hassle. I was able to get the care I needed without any inconvenience. I highly recommend telehealth to anyone who wants a more convenient way to receive medical care.
Charmaine Nacole Freeman
As a counselor and veteran, I found this course to be informative and insightful. Excellent job. Thank you.
Tracy Threatt
Very interesting, informative and clinically orineted course.
Nia Sotirova
Very informative training
Jessica Hunt
Great information! A good referesher on best practices for telehealth sessions.
Amelia Lapeyrouse
Fantastic program. Thank you.
Nia Sotirova
Was insightful
Walter Barr
Definitely learned a lot from this training.
Jessica Hunt
Very interesting and clinically accurate course. I recommend it.
Nia Sotirova
Excellent course! Well organized and presented. I learned a lot to apply to current and future supervision.
Alexa Anderson