Telehealth Certification Institute

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Ratings, Reviews, and User Testimonials of Our CE Courses

Helpful and inviting information to get started. Feel empowered to get this going and eager to start!

Dena Damaskinos

Short but informative. How to Start a Teleheath Program Course.

Courtney Mahairas

Well presented, easy to access and understand.

Sedonia Perrier

This was very informative.

Wendy Pazdur
Great class., Learned something new about handling medical or suicidal emergencies via telemental health
Angelika Guilbe
This course was full of detailed information, that I will utilize in my practice. I highly recommend this training to all interested in adding to their existing practice or transitioning to Telehealth Services.
Utopia Session
Class was informative.
Kimberly Horrell
Ray has extensive knowledge and experience in telemental health. Ray was able to present course information in clear and understandable terms. Ray answered all questions from class members thoroughly. I plan to take Ray's second class on telemental health because his first class was so good.
Edward Craven
This course was short yet informative.
Annette Cornish
Great training!
Jacqueline Hayes, M.Ed., LPC, LMHP
Ray was a wonderful, interactive instructor who really captured the heart of counseling in the world of Telehealth. The course was thorough and beneficial. Two thumbs up!
Rachel Morales
Ray does a spectacular job presenting the ethics in technology! Thank you!
Elaine Marie Barclay