Telehealth Certification Institute

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Ratings, Reviews, and User Testimonials of Our CE Courses

This introductory course to Animal Assisted Therapy was informational enough to give you an idea as to how animals can truly help in a therapeutic setting while leaving you wanting to learn more. It excites me to move further throughout the curriculum.

Blake Stern
This was informative and engaging. I especially enjoyed the discussion that seemed to mirror the SuRS - Supervision Rating Scale with topics such as Engagement & Initiative, Skill Development & Application.
Linda Dench
This was a great course! I'm a new clinical supervisor, so I got a lot of tools from this presentation. The handouts are great and I look forward to using them with future supervisees.
Meghan Co
Definitely taught subject matter relevant to my goals.
Jessica Hunt

I was very pleased with the information that covers ethical and challenging situations for providing group and individual services via telehealth, however it certainly highlighted the many benefits for telehealth as it provides accessibility.

Donna Lee Ray
I learned alot from the webinar and it was informative.
Yolanda Davis
The telehealth experience was a very informative experience, the last session was so fun!
Kenneth McGee
Great course! Tremendously helpful. Thank you!
Amy Consovoy
I loved this experience especially completing the role plays. I got a chance to experience what it would be like if I were the clinician and how to effectively communicate with the client!
Arianna Miller
Great Program! Such an Engaging instructor.
J'Nada Williams
Course was very informative. I will definitely use what I learned in my work with clients.
Andrea Chadwick
Love it !
J'Nada Williams